02 03 Metal Melancholy: ALBUM REVIEW: Pyramids - Sub Rosa 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

ALBUM REVIEW: Pyramids - Sub Rosa


The Indian metal is growing bigger with each progressing year. Though, it still has huge untapped potential in it, emerging bands like Pyramids show that there is a bright future ahead.

Pyramids is a progressive metal band hailing from Delhi. After coming together in 2012, the band has had to face multiple lineup changes before they could release their debut EP - Sub Rosa. Despite all the adversities, the band has delivered a strong album showcasing the great potential the band possesses.

The album clocking just over 20 minutes has a nice mix of groove and heavy guitar work, along with a unique mix of synths and electronic formulations. The variation through the songs, keeps the listener engaged and does not bring in monotony at any point.

The EP deals with conspiracy theories and freeing of human minds with illuminati inspired artwork and track titles like “Area 51”. The track is the longest clocking in just over 5 minutes, and perhaps the best on the album. Aamir’s growls and Sarina Grewal’s (Feat.) cleans flow in perfect sync and the guitar riffs are groovy and will have your head bobbing in no time.

Overall, this is a great debut record from Pyramids. The band has started off on all the right notes, and can only go upwards from here.

Rating: 8/10
Reviewed By: Vidur Paliwal

The album featured on our Best of 2014 - Indian Metal list. 

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