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Metal Melancholy: Best of 2014 - Sam Bell [Mask of Judas] Picks


Best of 2014 is a 5 piece series where we sit down with artists from across the globe and ask them their favorite albums of 2014. Featured in this edition, is none other than Sam Bell from MASK OF JUDAS!

Mask of Judas have been on a steady rise since the release of their debut EP ‘Axis’, and have toured heavily across the UK over the last few years. With a full length album in the works, we sat down with the guitar virtuoso Sam Bell and discussed the upcoming album and his favorite albums of 2014.

Hi Sam, pleasure to have you here on Metal Melancholy. 

Sam: It is a pleasure to be here. And thank you for the awesome artwork on our latest single.

With the release of Gravity, we know the work on a full-length album is on. How is it progressing on that front?

Sam: The new album writing has really come on since the release of Gravity back in October. We are going into pre-production mode around February. We are doing a UK tour in March, we hope to play many of the new songs on that tour, and this combined with the pre-production should have us ready to hit the studio in April.

How is the musical approach in the upcoming album different from the debut EP?

Sam: We have found our own sound, I feel a lot more comfortable writing what we want and so does the band. I feel the debut EP was solid but I don’t feel it was really us, listening back I can hear in my writing that I was still searching and trying things out. Of course that journey never really ends, but with the new album material I feel we are moving In our own direction.

2014 saw the band perform at various shows across UK and Les-Fest in Scotland. What plans are being made for 2015? 

Sam: We are touring in March around the UK with Orion and Valis Ablaze. We have some other plans to, but I can’t say much about them right now. We are hoping to play Tech Fest this year and a few more festivals!

We wish you all the best and hope that you have a great 2015. Thank you for taking the time out for this.

Sam: Thank you for the interview! You can find out more about what Mask of Judas are doing on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Your favorite albums of 2014. 

Sam: These are my personal favorites from this year of the top of my head!

1. Nick Johnston - Atomic Mind. Instrumental guitar music, very raw and real. Big Gypsy Jazz influence, awesome stuff!

2. Dirty Loops – Loopified. I personally love their debut album, I love the catchy melodies mixed with the tremendous talent of the band being able to put their own funky/fusion twist on things.

3. Animals as Leaders – Joy Of Motion. I think they have done something unique with this one and really put a stamp on how they sound. I love the production to.

4. Myrone – Myrone. This guy mixes new wave retro (80s synth pop) with bursting 80s guitar leads all within a package of amazing songwriting. He is doing a soundtrack for a really cool Racing game that is in progress.

Best of 2014 – PART 1 – Demostealer Picks: HERE
Best of 2014 – PART 2 – Wilhelm [The Gardnerz] Picks: HERE
Best of 2014  PART 4  Srikanth [Bevar Sea] Picks: HERE

Best of 2014 – Indian Metal [Melancholy Edition] : HERE

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